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Movie New Release

Scott Pilgrim vs the World: Everything is totally sweet.Scott Pilgrim's life is so awesome. He's 23 years old, in a rock band, "between jobs," and dating a cute high school girl. Everything's fantastic until a seriously mind-blowing, dangerouslyReleased: July 27, 2010
Views: 3
Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance
Director: Edgar Wright

The Expendables: Expendable: capable of being sacrificed in order to accomplish a military objective.THE EXPENDABLES is a hard-hitting action/thriller about a group of mercenaries hired to infiltrate a South American country and overthrow its ruthless dicta
Released: August 12, 2010
Views: 413,158
Genres: Action Adventure Thriller
Director: Sylvester Stallone

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We offer the latest in music Albums and Singles, Once they are available we upload them to our website. Music are sorted by there genre. If you want a specific Song Album or anything related to music use the Get Answer chat box over to your right and add your suggestion there. We at DZ® are Music/Software/Game/Movie lovers just like you so feel free to Watch, Click and Download as often as you want at no cost guarantee.

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Photoshop CS5 Extended
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.

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Games Download

Max Payne 3
Rock star games, which are famous for the max Payne, midnight club and grand theft auto are going to release Max Payne 3 in 2010. The game is sequel to Max Payne a shooter video game which was released in the year 2001. The game is famous for its bullet time mode where the bullet time is slowed down to such an extent that it could be seen with naked eye.
Storyline: Max Payne 3 begins with a new chapter of Max Payne, a New York City police officer who is now 12 years older and he has left NYPD, the guy is shown in new attire where he is bald and he has grown beard. The game will be plotted in Brazil where Max is working for a private security company.

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